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Chinese translation for "links land"

links land = links 1。

Related Translations:
links:  n.〔pl.〕1.〔苏格兰语〕 (海边高低起伏的)砂丘。2.〔亦可用作单数说作 a links〕高尔夫球场。
link:  n.1.环链环。2.(编织物的)链圈。3.(链状物中的)一节(多节香肠等的)一节单节小香肠。4.承前启后的人[物];环节,联系。5.【机械工程】连杆,滑环,链节。6.【化学】键,键合;【计算机】链接,衔接。7.(测量用长度单位)令〔 = 7.92英寸〕。8.〔pl.〕 (衬衫袖口的)链扣 ( = cuff links).9.【无线电】通讯线路;网络节;固定接线。10.【电学
linking:  n.耦合,结合,咬合;联系;连接。
Example Sentences:
1.During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the scottish game of golf probably moved out of the streets and churchyards either to common ground known as greens or on to the coastal links land
2.This rolling links land was where rabbits and grass vied for existence . smooth areas nibbled short by rabbits greens alternated with rough grass . the greens were connected by sheep paths of varying widths
有的地方因兔子的啃咬,草地变成低矮光滑的“绿地” ,并和荒草地交替成形,同时这些“绿地”被宽窄不一的羊群小道连接着。
3.In order to meet the demands of an increasingly broader movement of people and goods over the borders of the metropolis and prefectures , the further improvement of the transportation network that links land , air and sea in the greater tokyo area will be boosted
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